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WIS, WWA | That was not a break

What I Spent

Last Sunday afternoon, I decided to take a break from studying, and I went to Sam’s Club. Except, silly me, I should have thought about the fact that Sunday afternoon at Sam’s Club is probably worse than studying. Ha.

sams club card.

It was so crowded. And they were behind on rotisserie chickens, so everyone was standing around waiting for chickens, with plenty of bad attitudes to go around.

And then when I went to check out, I realized that somehow I had lost my Sam’s Club card in between entering the store and trying to check out.

Sooooo, I had to go over to the customer service desk to get a new one.

I did eventually make it out, but not with a chicken. Because no chicken is worth standing in a line of angry people. 😉

I spent:

  • $140 at Sam’s Club
  • $30 on a Hungry Harvest box
  • $15 at the mall food court
  • $24 at Safeway

So, $209 for me this week.

What We Ate


I worked 7:00 am – 7:30 pm, and I picked up the Panera meal I mentioned in this week’s Five Frugal Things (free because of a gift card!)


Zoe was at work and I made myself some whole-wheat blueberry pancakes.

blueberry pancakes.


I guess I was in a breakfast-y mode because we had Swedish pancakes for dinner with berries and cream.

crepes with berries.


Chicken quesadillas, with some fruit on the side.

chicken quesadillas.


Zoe was at work and I had a tuna melt for dinner.

tuna melt on a plate.


Zoe had an errand to run at the mall with me, so we popped into the food court and got some food at a place that is a bit like Mezeh or Cava.

Mine was a falafel, rice, and salad dish. 🙂

falafel platter.


I will figure that out after school today; we get out at 4:00, and after that, I will get my life in order and plan out the next week. 🙂

What did you have for dinner this week?

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Friday 27th of September 2024

I too try to avoid shopping on weekends. Though, last week I ended up at Market Basket, which is always crazy packed, at noon on Sunday and it was much less busy than usual. I'm trying to move my shopping there so I'll have to keep that in mind.

WIS: $137 at BJs, $149 at Market Basket, and $77 at Stop & Shop for a total of $363

WWA: Monday - There was a sports fundraiser at a local pizza place. Tuesday - Breakfast for dinner Wednesday - Chinese take-out; I was at Back to School Night and that's what they wanted Thursday - Baked ziti (prepped early because I had another Back to School night), cut veggies Friday - Take out pizza because I'm on my own driving three kids to/from three different sports fields between 5:30 & 8:00 tonight

Happy to say all four Back to School nights are now done so we're only left with evening sports for a bit.


Friday 27th of September 2024

I just reviewed my food spending for the month and it is about $300 for the 2 of us. We don't generally eat out because it would be take out. I have an aversion to being the one who has to go out and pick it up someplace. And now I am trying to eat in a better fashion to see if it improves some symptoms I have. This past week: Friday: Feta/pesto Turkey burgers. Saturday: Salmon with rice and something Sunday: Green pizza--with pesto, broccoli and artichokes. Monday: Whole grain pasta with a vegetable sauce (-minus the tomatoes). Tuesday: Whole grain pasta with left over sauce mixed with left over taco soup Wednesday: rotisserie turkey thighs, sweet potato, and I can't remember the vegetable. Thurs: chicken, brown rice pilaf, and roasted (purple) cauliflower

I picked a lot of tomatoes from the garden, but they are off the new foods. My husband enjoys them. I was going to pick up a rotisserie chicken at the market the other day but they did not have any 2 days in a row. I wonder what is going on. Last week they were piled high with them.


Friday 27th of September 2024

I have to ask - are there times you make a meal because you already have a picture of it?


Friday 27th of September 2024

I too am a sucker for Falafel. Always!

Leaving summer cottage ( not fancy and not in water). Did not grocery shop. Ate down what we had. Zero dollars spent.

Lots of egg sandwiches with cheese. Yogurt and nuts. Fruit. Veggies. Pinto beans from freezer over rice with salsa. Bruschetta pasta with free tomatoes frozen garlic and fresh home grown herbs. My fave no cook sauce. It is only yummy with garden tomatoes. Cottage cheese.

Most everything is gone! Will have to throw out some condiments!

Bruschetta NO COOK SAUCE. The longer it sits around the better. 3-6 hours.

In a nonmetal bowl add

Chopped tomatoes, seeded Roma work best but any kind work Chopped garlic , we like a lot Salt Pepper 4 T olive oil

Chopped fresh herbs A LOT

I added lots of basil and parsley And a little thyme rosemary and oregano WHATEVER YOU HAVE

Every time you walk by the bowl stir with wooden spoon.

Toss with 1 pound hot pasta. Serve with Parm and hot pepper flakes.


Friday 27th of September 2024

@Stephanie, Mmmmm! I'm going to try this!


Friday 27th of September 2024

Sam's club has been cooking less Rotisserie chickens compared to past & working more on their prepackaged ready to cook items (mac & cheese, different salads). In the last month I have managed to only get 1 (out of 3 trips) chicken because out (at noon & 2pm which was told done for day cooking). So early morning shoppers (Plus members) don't have chickens ready until after 10am & end of day shoppers are lucky to get chicken. Gordon's (Food) has $3 Rotisserie chicken everyday from 4-6pm (?---limited hours only) but they are smaller than Sam's club chickens & (also) cook limited amount.

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