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WIS,WWA | The first one in 2018!

What I Spent

Well. I’m starting out the year over budget.

($150/week is my goal.)

My total for this week is $186.47.

But I stocked up on some organic chicken that was on sale, and I also got 3 pounds of sausage to put into the freezer.

So, my spending this week is going to help me out in future weeks.   At least, theoretically!

I didn’t get a Hungry Harvest box this week because I needed a break to catch up with my veggies. Luckily, you can pause deliveries whenever you want.

And I’m pleased to say that after a week off, my fridge is ready for some more produce.

What We Ate


We ate at a family Christmas gathering, where I brought chips, veggies, dip, and drinks.


We had a bunch of snacky stuff for our New Year’s Eve meal…fruit, veggies, some frozen appetizers from Costco, and so on.


I tried a new recipe for shrimp tacos from my latest Cook’s Country magazine. Super yummy!

We had some applesauce from the freezer with our tacos.


I made bacon-wrapped chicken, potato cubes, and a green salad.


I tried a new recipe for couscous risotto made with Israeli couscous (the larger sort).   The risotto had fresh spinach in it, plus chicken and a leek (which is the main reason I picked it! I had a Hungry Harvest leek to use).

This recipe was just ok.   But, it got us fed and it used up my leek, so, I’m happy with that.

We had clementines with our risotto.


I made roasted chicken with bread stuffing.   Plus fresh berries because they were cheap at Aldi this week.

(I’m pretending it’s spring, guys. <eats another strawberry>)


I think I’ll be making pizza because this weather makes it seem like a very, very good time to heat the oven up to 500 °.

Lisey making pizza

Aaaand that wraps up our meals for this week.

What did you eat this week?

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Susan M.

Monday 8th of January 2018

My Aldis had fresh cranberries on sale for .49 cents a bag! I am always looking for inexpensive fresh fruit, so I bought a case of them! I do not want to pour sugar over them however, so made them into a fresh Cranberry Salad. Our family LOVES this, and we eat it on top of oatmeal for breakfast. I have the recipe over on my blog.


Saturday 6th of January 2018

I spent $115 on food this Tuesday and that will get us through early next week before we need some fresh items. Weโ€™ve been eating lots of soup from our freezer and I too enjoy the warmth from an oven baked dinner! I made granola last night while the oven was going and then muffins this morning.

We ate spaghetti and meatballs with salad, tacos, ratatouille with garlic bread, tomato soup with grilled cheese and applesauce, homemade pizza and cruditรƒยฉs, tonight is minestrone or broccoli cheese soup with rolls, and tomorrow will be a roasted chicken dinner with potatoes and beets.

Have any of you heard anything about the Romaine lettuce E. coli rumor???


Sunday 7th of January 2018

Sat - Spaghetti Bolognese Sun - homemade rice paper rolls made with red curry chicken balls, carrot, cucumber, rice noodles,coriander & vietnamese dipping sauce Mon - can't remember Tues - chicken and vegie risotto Wed - honey on toast as wasn't very well Thur - Turkey and gravy toasted sandwich Fri - rice paper rolls again as they were so yummy


Friday 5th of January 2018

I laughed at your pizza reasoning because we are having pizza tonight and can't wait to turn on that oven! Brrrr. (We're in Virginia.) Meatloaf, sweet potatoes, and broccoli Beans n cornbread Beans n cornbread Chicken noodle soup (sorta homemade, sorta not) Omelettes n veggies Salmon patties, sweet potatoes, and broccoli Pizza


Friday 5th of January 2018

I was off from work this week but illness, plumbing problems and a litany of other household problems threw me off my meal game and I wound up eating soup, cheese and crackers, quesadillas and pizza instead of what I had planned. Good news is I will just need to pick up some milk and produce for next week since I can repurpose what I was supposed to eat this week. I am going to try an Instant Pot recipe for General Tso's chicken tonight, though.

Hope those of you in the deep freeze stay safe and warm.


Friday 5th of January 2018

I need to start commenting on these more, for accountability..... hubby and I decided we need to get our eating back under control... we fell off the wagon of home cooking and we feel crappy so now it's back to healthy homemade food for our health, and our kiddos. I'm 7 months pregnant but there's no time like the present.

Monday- New Year's Day dinner at the in-laws'

Tuesday- Gourmet hamburgers and roasted beet salad, both leftover from our New Year's Eve dinner party at home, made by my hubby

Wednesday- One-pot chicken quarters, brown rice and veggies

Thursday - Leftover homemade lasagna my mother in law kindly sent home with us; sauteed green beans on the side (Kristen's recipe!)

Friday- leftover chicken, brown rice, and veggies from Wednesday!

My budget and my body have been much happier this week! :-)

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