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Words from Benjamin Franklin

The kids and I are studying the U.S. presidents, and though Franklin wasn’t a president, he’s such an important figure in our country’s history, I decided to get some books about him from the library to read aloud. I’ve been freshly reminded of just how much he got done in his’s really quite amazing.

And did you know he was the youngest in a family of 17 children? The Franklins had almost as many kids as the Duggars do!

Anyway, after reading about him, I was inspired to share some of his quotes on topics we talk about here.

“Content makes poor men rich; discontentment makes rich men poor.”

Love, love, love this one. It’s just what I was trying to say when I wrote my contentment series…all the money in the world won’t make you happy if you haven’t learned to be content.

“He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.”

Even those of us who are frugal aren’t free from the trap of thinking money is the answer to everything. Is it important? Yep. But it’s not the only thing that matters.

“If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting.”

Yes. If you don’t know how to save, no amount of money will ever be enough.

“If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some; for he that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing.”

So true. The pain of being a slave to debt is nothing to sneeze at…how much better to spend wisely and be free of debt.

Here’s one more contentment quote to finish things off:

Who is rich? He that rejoices in his portion.

Ok, never mind. I have to include one more for me to remember when I blog! 😉

“If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed.”

Do you have a favorite Ben Franklin quote?


Today’s 365 post: The newest pianist

Joshua’s 365 post: When the house gets cold…

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    Thursday 10th of November 2011

    I still remember a book I read in elementary school about Ben Franklin called "Ben and Me". It was about a mouse who lived in Ben Franklin's hat and had adventures with him. It was a fun and interesting book and it really made the history come alive for me. You might be able to find it at the public library.

    Worth a look--your kids will love it!


    Thursday 10th of November 2011

    One thing that has had me thoughtful for several years when it comes to being a menu planner and family cook....."a fat kitchen maketh a lean will".

    Pam K.

    Thursday 10th of November 2011

    Two of Franklin's famous quotations that I remember seem to be your philosophy of life, Kristin, at least when you had your early schedule!

    "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

    "A penny saved is a penny earned."


    Wednesday 9th of November 2011

    I think most of us can overlook a typo.


    Wednesday 9th of November 2011

    Clearly, I can. Hee.


    Wednesday 9th of November 2011

    Frugal girl you need a proof reader: I've been freshly reminded me of just how much he got done in his's really quite amazing.


    Wednesday 9th of November 2011

    Ha! That's what happens when you write a sentence one way first, then change it around a bit, and forget to delete some words. Whoops.

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