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Yesterday was one of the happiest days of my life.

And it’s not because we had 5 dentist appointments and 0 cavities.

(Though that is always cause for rejoicing.)

happiest day of my life

About 2.5 weeks ago, I was putting drops in Sonia’s eyes and noticed a small black spot on her eyelid that definitely hadn’t been there until recently.

We saw her eye doctor the next day.

And then an eye specialist the next day.

And then a surgeon the next day.

(Prompt attention is wonderful in a way, but nerve-wracking in another.)

Then came a biopsy the next week.

And the waiting.

Nerve-wracking for Sonia.   And Mr. FG.   And me.   And the rest of our kids.

Finally yesterday the doctor called to tell us the spot was benign.

(A fact I honestly believed was impossible, given how this looked under the microscope!)

And there was great rejoicing at our house, plus an enormous and collective sigh of relief.

She’s gonna be ok.


Though the last few weeks have been hard, there was so much to be thankful for.

-Sonia is a fabulous patient.   She handles poking and prodding with great aplomb, and doctors and nurses all love her for it.   😉

-The doctors were all so attentive, making personal calls to other doctors to find just the right ones to take care of Sonia, and take care of her quickly.

-There are so many people who love Sonia and who love us.   There are people in the world with more money than us, but I can’t imagine anyone being richer relationally.   And not just family, though they certainly love us!

(Sonia’s 3-year old little cousin brought her a stuffed turtle to help make her eye feel better. Stuffed turtles mend all. ;))

Our church family, my small group, Mr. FG’s co-workers…they were all so kind to us, praying for us, and doing practical things to help us.

We are so, so privileged to be loved the way we are.

And we are so, so thankful this turned out the way it did.

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    Jan Elizabeth

    Wednesday 29th of July 2015

    I know how scary and difficult that particular type of waiting is for everyone. SO glad to hear it's benign!


    Monday 4th of May 2015

    So so very happy for this outcome! Nothing worse than worrying about your child and nothing more wonderful when good news arrives.


    Saturday 4th of April 2015

    Praise God! I'm sorry you had to go through this, but isn't it interesting how these types of trials help us to see our blessings more clearly?


    Friday 3rd of April 2015

    So very great news, it is so hard when younger children are sick or have health issues. Yay!!! Best Wishes...


    Friday 3rd of April 2015

    What a relief! I know this whirligig and I'm glad you're off it.


    Friday 3rd of April 2015

    Me too!!

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