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Yesterday’s plans? They didn’t quite happen.

In fact, I didn’t do a single solitary bit of work in my laundry room.

Instead, I took two of my girls to the pediatrician (at two separate times because back-to-back appointments are hard to come by right now!) and discovered they they now have pneumonia.


And this is while being on an antibiotic.   Poor kiddos.

So, they now have new meds and hopefully they’ll start to turn a nice healthy corner here soon.

I did manage to get some homemade yogurt into the cooler for incubation before the hours at the ped’s office, which is good because I am anxious to get some healthy bacteria going in my family’s systems.

And I also did this:

Peppermint fudge sauce yahoo diy

Because obviously at times like these, you need to make peppermint fudge sauce.   😉

Hey, it’s far better than sitting on the floor and crying, right??

I tried this particular recipe because Yahoo! DIY emailed and asked if I’d give another one of their tutorials a whirl.

I’ve grown to really appreciate these types of assignments, because heaven knows that left to myself in the midst off all the sickness at our house, I wouldn’t have made fudge sauce, just like I probably wouldn’t have made dip-dyed stationery with Sonia.

But just as with the stationery project, this turned out to be a welcome distraction from thermometers and antibiotics.

(Also???? I got to use my cute new All-Clad pot.   Winning!)

You can read all about it, get the recipe, and see more photos by clicking right here.

And maybe, just maybe, today I will get my laundry room cleaned up.

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    Thursday 1st of January 2015

    Oh no! I so sorry! Well, so far it has only been flu at our house but there are a few of my students at UMB that came down with pneumonia right at exam week. I felt horrible for them. Wishing you all a speedy recovery - the sick kids and the Mom working her butt off to take care of them. ;)



    Wednesday 31st of December 2014

    I'm terribly sorry that this Christmas season has been so hard for you and your family.


    Wednesday 31st of December 2014

    Aww, thanks. Definitely not our best year. I'm just grateful that I have been well enough to take care of everyone, and I'm super super happy that my pneumonia girls seem to be on the upswing with the new meds. Phew!

    Perhaps my family really will all be healthy one day soon...


    Wednesday 31st of December 2014

    Oh dear! I have heard so many people are developing pneumonia from this particularly nasty virus going around.

    I second the idea of going out to buy a good probiotic supplement--yogurt has very few strains of good bacteria. You need a good, reliable supplement with a broad array of probiotics to protect the gut flora in this situation. They are pricey, but worth it when health is at stake.

    Keep that chicken soup flowing too--tell them to drink lots.

    I'll keep them in my thoughts, hope everyone feels better soon.


    Wednesday 31st of December 2014

    Yes, we plan to do that as well as trying to keep fluids up. Hopefully they come in a chewable or liquid form for Miss Zoe.

    Even though yogurt isn't as good as the broad range probiotics, eating it did seem to help some of my kids with some of the digestive side effects of the antibiotics, so, yay!


    Wednesday 31st of December 2014

    Back in mid-June my 10-month-old son, 23-month-old daughter, and I all got sick after a vacation. (Thank goodness my husband stayed healthy.) I was using non-pregnancy safe meds so I took a test just in case. Guess who didn't even have time to think about the positive result because I had to rush to make it to the only open appointment our pediatrician had? Both kids had walking pnuemonia, and my daughter had an ear infection that was ready to burst. A few days later I was also diagnosed with walking pneumonia. A week after we were all better, the kids got hand, foot, and mouth. That was a long month of summer, and all I remember about the first trimester of this pregnancy is being tired all the time! Thankfully we've been blessed with a much healthier winter.

    Hang in there! This is a miserable way to spend the holidays. I'm praying you household is all on the mend soon.


    Wednesday 31st of December 2014

    Oh wow-that is just so hard when everyone is down, especially when you have little kids!


    Wednesday 31st of December 2014

    I so hope things improve quickly now. I'm amazed you are getting ANYTHING done at this point! Good luck.

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