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You’d think I was decluttering a toolbox.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

At least, based on the number of screwdrivers I found in the junk drawer.

An array of screwdrivers.

messy junk drawer

neat junk drawer

Only one screwdriver remains.   At least for now!


P.S. Did you notice I’m using old plastic food storage containers as organizers, like I did in my spice cabinet?

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    Gladys (The Pinay Mom)

    Thursday 26th of June 2014

    My husband thinks I'm a hoarder for keeping those food storage containers but he was surprised that like you I use them to organize things in our little home office.


    Thursday 26th of June 2014

    I can't find the long shafted, flat-head screwdriver I use to weed dandelions and take apart clementine boxes. Maybe it took a trip to your place.


    Thursday 26th of June 2014

    It's funny how you can end up with a dozen all of the same item. For us, it was glue sticks -- about a dozen of 'em. So now I'm planning on *not* buying tape for Christmas/birthday presents this year, and just using glue stick. Gotta use these up before they dry up.


    Friday 27th of June 2014

    For me? Either nail clippers, or chapsticks. Which is funny because I SWEAR I can usually never find either!

    Frugal Paragon

    Thursday 26th of June 2014

    Elaine is right--it WAS a junk drawer, but it isn't any more! It will probably be much easier know to find that one screwdriver than it was to find all the others!

    I keep a small screwdriver in with my batteries for replacing batteries in child-proof items.

    Elaine in Ark

    Thursday 26th of June 2014

    Your decluttered junk drawer looks great, but I think you should call it something other than "junk" drawer (why would you save junk?). I call mine a utility drawer, which better describes what it contains.

    I also like the idea of using plastic bag containers as handy-dandy little boxes. Why didn't I think of that?


    Thursday 26th of June 2014

    Well, that is true, I guess! I just tend to call it a junk drawer no matter what state it's in.

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