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Zoe, the faithful snowman builder

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words.

Of my four kids, Zoe is probably the most enthusiastic about playing in the snow.   Her favorite thing is to build snowmen, and even when we have dry, crumbly snow, she still gives it her best shot.

zoe building snowmen

Fortunately, she got some wetter snow this past week, so she was able to create snowmen with a little less effort.

At the start of this winter, she asked for help in procuring something for eyes, and I realized that avocado peels would work perfectly with a little help from a pair of scissors.

bunsen the snowman

(This one is named Bunsen, probably inspired by the Muppets.)

Thanks to my avocado-eating habits, there’s always a peel or two to be found in the compost bucket, so this has turned out to be a pretty handy way to give faces to her snowmen.


P.S. Would you do me a personal favor? Remember my friend Erin who was selling tshirts to raise money to adopt a little girl from the DRC?   Well, due to political issues, she hasn’t been able to bring her daughter home for the last year and a half, despite the fact that she’s legally adopted.   And she’s not alone…hundreds of kids are stuck in the DRC.

The families feel certain that President Obama could fix this issue, but they need to bring it to his attention by getting 100,000 signatures on their petition.   Would you take two minutes of your day and sign the petition?   It’s super quick and easy and only your first and last initials are displayed on the petition.   They need 100,000 signatures by March 10th in order for this to happen.

Thank you!!

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    Monday 2nd of March 2015

    Signed the petition the day this post went up. Hope they get enough signatures. That's a heartbreaking situation.


    Friday 27th of February 2015

    Signed! X


    Thursday 26th of February 2015

    Signed! Adoption is very near and dear to my heart as my Mom and two of my best friends are adopted. I realize not everyone can adopted but it makes my heart smile for those who do.


    Thursday 26th of February 2015


    Emily @ Simple Cheap Mom

    Thursday 26th of February 2015

    A) that smile on the snowman is adorable.

    B) I'm not American, but I'll see if I can sign. It sounds like a really good cause.

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