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Zoe’s longboard got stolen.

Poor girl.  Apparently while her back was turned, some other neighborhood kids made off with it.

A teen girl with short black hair on a longboard.

We tried putting the word out in the neighborhood, but heard nothing.

Luckily, it was a board that Zoe had bought on Facebook marketplace for $40.  If she’d paid brand new prices, this would be even more frustrating.


1. We found a new longboard on craigslist.

This one was only $30, and it’s actually a slightly better size for Zoe.

Of course, she’d prefer that her first one never got stolen, but this is a pretty good solution.

2. I helped Sonia spray paint a tea tin.

She was wanting to use some vanilla comoro tea tins for makeup brushes and pencils, but the tins are a little ugly on their own.

spray painted harney and sons tea tin

So we got a can of vintage-y mint green (Ocean Mist by Rustoleum, but buy it locally! It’s expensive on Amazon.) and I taught her how to spray paint.

(The lamp is Tomons from Amazon and the Sharp twin bell alarm clock is also from Amazon.)

3. I fixed two bent forks.

We had two with bent prongs, and I use a needle-nose pliers to bend them back into shape.

needle nose pliers

Hopefully they’ll stay straight now.

4. I made banana bread.

Three inedible bananas went into this loaf.  Yay!

chocolate chip banana bread

5. I got started on the bed painting!

Yesterday I took the beds apart, sanded them, and got them all primed.

And yes, I did have Sonia and Zoe help.  Gotta make sure the next generation doesn’t think they need whiskers. 😉

Sonia sanding bunked rails

What frugal things have you been up to lately? Share in the comments!

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    Friday 28th of June 2019

    So sorry to hear about the longboard theft; that’s rotten. The same thing happened to my sons scooter at school and he was devastated (he was 6 when it happened and very innocent so it was a big shock that someone might take his things).

    1) My son had a growth spurt and needed new school trousers even though it’s only 3 weeks until the holidays. I managed to let down 2 pairs, DH found another pair amongst handmedowns in the loft, and I ordered new pairs using survey vouchers plus an early bird 20% off discount. (He comes back very mucky most days and needs a fresh pair every day).

    2) A cut up old PJ trousers for rags.

    3) I made banana bread with old bananas.

    4) I found enough donations for the school fair from around the house.

    5) Walked the school run.

    Posting this made me feel better as despite ourbest efforts we just broke even this month so couldn’t make a mortgage over payment which was disappointing.


    Friday 28th of June 2019

    Aww, I'm sorry that happened to your kiddo too. This is the first time Zoe has had something stolen and she was pretty devastated.


    Thursday 27th of June 2019

    1. Our son’s insurance has an incentive program for attending well visits and the dentist. Just got the $25 for attending his regular dental apt and waiting for $15 from his dr well visit. 2, remembered to move both cars before they started ticketing as today is street sweeping day. Did NOT get $70 in parking tickets! 3. Reading free books 4. Walked 3 miles round trip to take care of my friends rabbit yesterday. Saved gas and parking plus gave our two dogs a great walk! 5. Cut up old t-shirts to use for rags


    Thursday 27th of June 2019

    Getting a shampoo, haircut and blowdry for $7 today at the Beauty School near my parents' house, so gives me a chance to see them too.

    Juggled cars/rides/etc. from Denver airport for our Family Reunion, so we don't have to rent a car.

    Used a promo code for parking at Orlando airport while we are in CO/WY/NE.

    Earned a FREE entree at PF Changs, since I have been there twice in a couple of months and both times other people paid, but weren't in their rewards program, so I got the points.

    Remembering to turn the thermostat up when I am gone all day. It is crazy hot with heat indexes over 100 here in central FL.

    Those are all pretty lame, because they still entail spending money, but better than nothing. ;)


    Wednesday 26th of June 2019

    That is such a bummer about Zoe's longboard.

    Hmmm, I'm having trouble thinking of frugal wins this week!

    1) Used a discounted Fandango gift card to order tickets to see the new spider-man movie on opening night. Marvel movies are the only movies that we always see in theater, and almost always on opening weekend.

    2) I started delivering groceries, which means I spend a lot of time in the car now. I've managed to pack drinks and food most of the time. I have bought the occasional water bottle or iced drink when I ran out of drinks now that it's getting hot outside, but I use sbux gift cards that I have been given or buy a cheap bottled water at the grocery store.

    3) We have been having ant problems for a few weeks - we paid for an annual program with a pest control company last summer to take care of a wasp nest in one of our walls, and we were able to have that company come spray the ants as part of the annual program (which saved us the expense of buying more ant traps).

    Misc frugality - meal planning, eating leftovers, using gas reward points from the grocery store


    Wednesday 26th of June 2019

    4) My 2y.o. had to have ear tubes placed due to chronic ear infections - the hospital called me the day before and said we would be responsible for $1400, but there was a discount if we paid within 7 days of the surgery. I called back the week after her surgery to get clarification about the billing and was told that the estimate was wrong and that after insurance, our bill should be around half that. I'm glad I didn't rush to pay when they first called, since I still don't know what the actual final bill is and I don't want to fight insurance/the hospital if I overpay.


    Wednesday 26th of June 2019

    1. Set up my sewing in a spare bedroom instead of the cabinet it had been stuck in. I have already mended 4 items that had been languishing.

    2. Giving some items I no longer need/Swamy to a friend that earns extra money from yard sales. I’m happy to help her and feel like the items end up being used instead.

    3. Still aiming for zero food waste.

    4. Took a plastic dishpan and a measuring cup outside for my 2-yr old granddaughter’s DIY “water table”. She loves it.

    5. Found someone that can use several boxes of small padded maulers that had been left here by the previous owners. I’m glad to find someone that can use them and get them out of the storage room.

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